Start Lists

Standard Aquathlon - Sunday 31st August 2025

Name Club/team Event AG
0 JOYCE, Ella None Standard Aquathlon F20-24
0 BEARDSLEY, Harry None Standard Aquathlon 25-29
0 PENKETH, Jacob None Standard Aquathlon 25-29
0 BODO, Victoria None Standard Aquathlon F25-29
0 CHRISTOPHER, Maya Standard Aquathlon F25-29
0 PEASE, Abbie None Standard Aquathlon F25-29
0 WESTON, Josephine Standard Aquathlon F25-29
0 BOURKE, Liam Standard Aquathlon 30-34
0 LLOYD-HOOKER, Olly None Standard Aquathlon 30-34
0 PETERS , Martin None Standard Aquathlon 30-34
0 GAMBIN, Emma Standard Aquathlon F35-39
0 HATCHWELL, Amy None Standard Aquathlon F40-44
0 HIKMET, Fiona None Standard Aquathlon F45-49
0 IHRING, Zuzana 3xTri Standard Aquathlon F45-49
0 CHATE-MCKEEVER, Sam Standard Aquathlon 50-54
0 MERTENS , Holger Kingfisher Triathletes Standard Aquathlon 50-54
0 ETHERIDGE, Kate None Standard Aquathlon F50-54
0 GALLEGO, Leticia None Standard Aquathlon F50-54
0 INGLETHORPE, Angie Standard Aquathlon F50-54
0 CLENNAR, Anton Standard Aquathlon 55-59

Sprint Aquathlon - Sunday 31st August 2025

Name Club/team Event AG
0 YIRRELL, Bert Sprint Aquathlon 35-39
0 ORE, Chris HERC Triathlon Sprint Aquathlon 40-44
0 BAHL, Abhishek None Sprint Aquathlon 45-49
0 WOODS, Carey Tuff Fitty Triathlon Club Sprint Aquathlon F50-54
0 BUNN, Daniel Hornchurch Swimming Club Sprint Aquathlon 55-59
0 NEWMAN, shawn Sprint Aquathlon 55-59
0 MILLS, Jude None Sprint Aquathlon F55-59
0 BREWER, David Bedford Harriers AC Sprint Aquathlon 60-64

1,500m Swim (age 15+) - Sunday 31st August 2025

Name Club/team Event AG
0 BROWN, Harry None 1,500m Swim (age 15+) 30-34
0 BROWN, Harry 1,500m Swim (age 15+) 30-34
0 CHALKER, Keely Hornchurch Swimming Club 1,500m Swim (age 15+) F50-54
0 REEVES, Tanzin None 1,500m Swim (age 15+) F60-64

Super-Sprint Youth Triathlon (age 15-16) - Sunday 31st August 2025

Name Club/team Event AG
0 CATAN, Finley None Super-Sprint Youth Triathlon (age 15-16) YOUTH
0 HORTON, Joshua None Super-Sprint Youth Triathlon (age 15-16) YOUTH
0 HUNT, Herbie Brighton Phoenix Super-Sprint Youth Triathlon (age 15-16) YOUTH
0 TOMLINSON, Luke Super-Sprint Youth Triathlon (age 15-16) YOUTH
0 VON BERGEN, Rufus None Super-Sprint Youth Triathlon (age 15-16) YOUTH
0 WHITE, Thomas None Super-Sprint Youth Triathlon (age 15-16) YOUTH
0 WOODS, Gwen Brighton Tri Club Super-Sprint Youth Triathlon (age 15-16) FYOUTH

TriStar 3 Triathlon (age 13-14) - Sunday 31st August 2025

Name Club/team Event AG
0 BOND, Joe None TriStar 3 Triathlon (age 13-14) TS3
0 COOK, Owen Dorking & Mole Valley A.C. TriStar 3 Triathlon (age 13-14) TS3
0 FISHER, James None TriStar 3 Triathlon (age 13-14) TS3
0 FISHER, Tracy None TriStar 3 Triathlon (age 13-14) TS3
0 FROW, Cameron Deal VC TriStar 3 Triathlon (age 13-14) TS3
0 GIBSON, Theo None TriStar 3 Triathlon (age 13-14) TS3
0 INGLETHORPE, Dylan TriStar 3 Triathlon (age 13-14) TS3
0 JACKSON, Oran TriStar 3 Triathlon (age 13-14) TS3
0 PEARCE, Levi Chichester Triathlon Club TriStar 3 Triathlon (age 13-14) TS3
0 EMURA, Eriko Swim-1st Triathlon Club TriStar 3 Triathlon (age 13-14) FTS3
0 JEFFREYS, Rose None TriStar 3 Triathlon (age 13-14) FTS3
0 KERRY, Annabella Tri-Force Juniors TriStar 3 Triathlon (age 13-14) FTS3
0 TAYLOR, Jake City of Brighton & Hove Swimming Club TriStar 3 Triathlon (age 13-14) FTS3
0 TOMLINSON, Carys TriStar 3 Triathlon (age 13-14) FTS3

TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) - Sunday 31st August 2025

Name Club/team Event AG
0 BOND, Sam None TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) TS2
0 EVANS, Jake Swim-1st Triathlon Club TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) TS2
0 HRUSKA, Lucas TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) TS2
0 JACKSON, Cian TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) TS2
0 RICHMOND, Albie TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) TS2
0 SILVEY, Arthur TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) TS2
0 SIMON, Vincent None TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) TS2
0 SIMS, Benjamin Weald Tri Club TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) TS2
0 VON BERGEN, Milo None TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) TS2
0 FLINT-WARD, Emily TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) FTS2
0 INGLETHORPE, Isabella TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) FTS2
0 KERRY, Eloisa Tri-Force Juniors TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) FTS2
0 O’SHEA, Elsie None TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) FTS2
0 QUINLAN POLAND, Juno TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) FTS2
0 TAYLOR, Ruby City of Brighton and Hove Swimming Club TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) FTS2
0 WESTLAND, Isabelle TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) FTS2
0 WILLSON, Chloe Tri-Force Juniors TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) FTS2
0 CUND, Tom None TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) TS3
0 GARCEA, Jake None TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) TS3
0 HORTON, Jacob None TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) TS3
0 HOUBEN, Samson TriStar 2 Triathlon (age 11-12) TS3

TriStar 1 Triathlon (age 9-10) - Sunday 31st August 2025

Name Club/team Event AG
0 CAVANAGH, kate TriStar 1 Triathlon (age 9-10) TS1
0 FRIETMAN, Johannes Greenwich Tritons TriStar 1 Triathlon (age 9-10) TS1
0 GARCEA, Ethan None TriStar 1 Triathlon (age 9-10) TS1
0 LEESER, Zak None TriStar 1 Triathlon (age 9-10) TS1
0 MAY-JOHN, Dylan Celtic Tri TriStar 1 Triathlon (age 9-10) TS1
0 SIMON, Albert None TriStar 1 Triathlon (age 9-10) TS1
0 TIP-THUN, Max TriStar 1 Triathlon (age 9-10) TS1
0 TIP-THUN, Felix TriStar 1 Triathlon (age 9-10) TS1
0 WILSON, Woody TriStar 1 Triathlon (age 9-10) TS1
0 YIRRELL, Huckleberry TriStar 1 Triathlon (age 9-10) TS1
0 AHMED, Amelia TriStar 1 Triathlon (age 9-10) FTS1
0 D’SA, Aida None TriStar 1 Triathlon (age 9-10) FTS1
0 FRASER, Isla None TriStar 1 Triathlon (age 9-10) FTS1
0 HRUSKA, Katy TriStar 1 Triathlon (age 9-10) FTS1
0 WALLINGTON, Ella None TriStar 1 Triathlon (age 9-10) FTS1
0 WARNER, Olive Chichester Westgate Triathlon Club TriStar 1 Triathlon (age 9-10) FTS1
0 WESTLAND, Hattie TriStar 1 Triathlon (age 9-10) FTS1
0 PAYTON, Poppy Bicester Triathlon Club TriStar 1 Triathlon (age 9-10) FTS2
0 STEVENS LEAVER, Beth TriStar 1 Triathlon (age 9-10) FTS2

TriStar Start Triathlon (age 8) - Sunday 31st August 2025

Name Club/team Event AG
0 BRADMAN, Alexander TriStar Start Triathlon (age 8) TS
0 GREENOAK, Finch None TriStar Start Triathlon (age 8) TS
0 CLARK, Lyla Belle None TriStar Start Triathlon (age 8) FTS
0 NEWNHAM, Reya TriStar Start Triathlon (age 8) FTS
0 RICETTI , Kimberly TriStar Start Triathlon (age 8) FTS
0 RICETTI , Olivia TriStar Start Triathlon (age 8) FTS
0 ROWLAND, Ava TriStar Start Triathlon (age 8) FTS
0 SPENCER, Loki None TriStar Start Triathlon (age 8) FTS
0 STEVENS LEAVER, Connie TriStar Start Triathlon (age 8) FTS
0 ARAUJO GORDON, James None TriStar Start Triathlon (age 8) TS1
0 ROBINSON, Henry TriStar Start Triathlon (age 8) TS1
0 BAGSHAW, Sadie None TriStar Start Triathlon (age 8) FTS1
0 CARESTIA, Enya TriStar Start Triathlon (age 8) FTS1
0 GLEW, Margot None TriStar Start Triathlon (age 8) FTS1

Standard Triathlon Relay - Sunday 31st August 2025

Name Club/team Event AG
0 HIESTERMANN, Dimitra Clapham Chasers Standard Triathlon Relay F30-34
0 DAVIES, Lee None Standard Triathlon Relay 55-59
0 DUFFIN, Andrew Standard Triathlon Relay 60-64

Standard Triathlon - Sunday 31st August 2025

Name Club/team Event AG
0 PEARSON, Livvy GreenlightPT Standard Triathlon FU20
0 AWCOCK, pierce None Standard Triathlon 20-24
0 CLIFTON, Henry None Standard Triathlon 20-24
0 GRIMSHAW, Andy None Standard Triathlon 20-24
0 HELLIWELL, Seb None Standard Triathlon 20-24
0 MCLEAN, Aidan None Standard Triathlon 20-24
0 REGAN, Oliver None Standard Triathlon 20-24
0 SURIANO-DOWLEN, Billy None Standard Triathlon 20-24
0 AZIMOVA, Irina None Standard Triathlon F20-24
0 LUPTON, Lucy None Standard Triathlon F20-24
0 MELANSON, Emily Standard Triathlon F20-24
0 RASSAM, Tina Standard Triathlon F20-24
0 ALDERSON, Ryan Standard Triathlon 25-29
0 FRIAS DEL RIO, Alex Standard Triathlon 25-29
0 GARDNER, Scott None Standard Triathlon 25-29
0 GUIGNARD-ROGERS, camille Standard Triathlon 25-29
0 HEYLEN, George Standard Triathlon 25-29
0 KELLY, Rian Standard Triathlon 25-29
0 KING, robert Standard Triathlon 25-29
0 LUIS, Rico None Standard Triathlon 25-29
0 POWELL, Ben DTNS Standard Triathlon 25-29
0 SCOTT, Hamish Standard Triathlon 25-29
0 SWARBRICK, David London Fields Triathlon Club Standard Triathlon 25-29
0 SWARTLAND, Nat Standard Triathlon 25-29
0 CAMPBELL, Georgie Standard Triathlon F25-29
0 DUFFIN, Rachel None Standard Triathlon F25-29
0 GAZARIK, Kelly None Standard Triathlon F25-29
0 GIBBONS, alice None Standard Triathlon F25-29
0 GLOVER, Olivia None Standard Triathlon F25-29
0 HUTSON, Alessandra None Standard Triathlon F25-29
0 KIRKWOOD, Olivia None Standard Triathlon F25-29
0 KITHER, Lucy DTNS Standard Triathlon F25-29
0 LUXFORD, Katie Standard Triathlon F25-29
0 PARKINSON, Katy Standard Triathlon F25-29
0 PICKARD, Alice Standard Triathlon F25-29
0 ROBERTS, Lucy None Standard Triathlon F25-29
0 ROYCE, Isobel Standard Triathlon F25-29
0 RUSHTON-TAYLOR, bethany None Standard Triathlon F25-29
0 SCOTT, Ruchika Standard Triathlon F25-29
0 SEMENIKHINA, Val None Standard Triathlon F25-29
0 WATKINS, Jemimah None Standard Triathlon F25-29
0 ALDOUS, Josh None Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 ATKINS, Charlie Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 CURTIS, Jack Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 DARK, Harrison Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 DAWES, Mike Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 DODGSON, Harry None Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 DUFFIN, Matthew Brighton Phoenix Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 EDWARDS, John-Luke Southampton Triathlon Club Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 GODDARD, Jonny None Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 HARROP, Josh None Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 HARROP, Stuart None Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 HAWKS, Christian None Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 JANSEN, Greg None Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 KELSEY, Jonny Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 MARKS, Will None Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 MCMAHON, Colby None Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 MCNEILLIE, Thomas Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 NAUGHTON, Ciaran None Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 NAYSMITH, HUGO Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 NEALE, dana None Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 PAGE, Josh None Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 PICKERING, George Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 PUNCHEV, Yavor FUJI E LUD Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 RICHARDS, Andrew Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 SCOTT, David Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 SHARRAD, Eric None Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 SLATER, James Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 STANNARD, Alexander Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 TITCOMB, Oliver None Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 TSANG, Michael South London Swimming Club Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 WARD, Cathal London Frontrunners Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 WEST, Adam None Standard Triathlon 30-34
0 BAYMAN, Daniela Standard Triathlon F30-34
0 CAMPBELL, Kimberly None Standard Triathlon F30-34
0 COLEMAN, Zoe Standard Triathlon F30-34
0 DAWSON, Lucy None Standard Triathlon F30-34
0 EAMEY, Alice Standard Triathlon F30-34
0 GODDARD, Alex None Standard Triathlon F30-34
0 GRANE, Olivia None Standard Triathlon F30-34
0 GRIFFIN, Zoe None Standard Triathlon F30-34
0 JENKINS, Laura Standard Triathlon F30-34
0 MARSHALL, Amanda None Standard Triathlon F30-34
0 MCKINNEL, Molly None Standard Triathlon F30-34
0 PAYNE, Pollyanna None Standard Triathlon F30-34
0 PEPLER, Hannah None Standard Triathlon F30-34
0 SPRINGHALL, Jenessa None Standard Triathlon F30-34
0 SUTHERLAND, Ellie None Standard Triathlon F30-34
0 WATSON, Jessica Metropolitan Police Triathlon Club Standard Triathlon F30-34
0 WILLIAMS , Zara Standard Triathlon F30-34
0 ABBOTT, Mark None Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 BARDENOVA, Lilla FUJI E LUD Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 BARKER, Michael None Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 BARNARD, Stuart None Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 BEVERIDGE, Robbie None Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 CAMPBELL, David None Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 COLOMB, Stan Crystal Palace Tri club Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 COOKE, Dean None Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 DIMOND-SMITH, Luke Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 DOMINIC, Dominic None Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 FIRTH, Drew None Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 HAUGHTON, Andy None Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 HAZZARD, Peter Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 HERON-TAYLOR, Dan Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 HOADLEY, Chris None Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 INGALL, Timothy Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 LILLEY, Simon Brighton Phoenix Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 MANSFIELD, Nick None Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 MCCLOSKEY, donal None Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 MITCHELL, Jonathan Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 NOCK, Dan None Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 POND, Simon Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 RUSSELL, Adam Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 SMITHSON, David Metropolitan Police Triathlon Club Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 SOUTHGATE, James Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 STUART-JENNINGS, Myles None Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 SWALLOW, Chris None Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 THOMAS, Glenn None Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 UNDERWOOD, Mark None Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 WILLIAMS, Alan Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 WILLIAMS, Chris None Standard Triathlon 35-39
0 BAXTER, Chloe Standard Triathlon F35-39
0 BEN HAMIDA, Imen Standard Triathlon F35-39
0 CLUTTERBUCK, Kirsty None Standard Triathlon F35-39
0 GARDINER, Jessica Standard Triathlon F35-39
0 NI BHUACHALLA, Maeve Standard Triathlon F35-39
0 PROTO, Emily None Standard Triathlon F35-39
0 WALLINGTON, Emma Standard Triathlon F35-39
0 ATKEY, Lewis None Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 BURNEY, James None Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 D’SA, Lowri None Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 HEARNE, Andrew None Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 HIGGS, Adam Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 KEMP, Jane Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 KYBERT, Matthew None Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 LITTLEJOHN, chris Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 MCKAY, Oliver None Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 NIX, Mike Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 OWEN, David Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 PEARCE, Mikey Chichester Triathlon Club Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 RICHARDS, Cristan Hillingdon Triathletes Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 RICHARDSON, Ian None Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 SCHMIDT, Jasna Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 SCOTT, Peter James Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 SHUFFLEBOTHAM, Aaron None Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 SIMON, Andras None Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 SPIRES, Dean Brighton Tri Club Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 TURLEY, Matthew Clapham Chasers Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 WEBBER, Dominic None Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 WILSON, Ben Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 WOODWARD, Stephen Standard Triathlon 40-44
0 BISHOP, Hayley None Standard Triathlon F40-44
0 JIANG, Na Standard Triathlon F40-44
0 LAW, Kate Standard Triathlon F40-44
0 PRICE, Sarah Brighton Phoenix Standard Triathlon F40-44
0 RICKMAN, Lyndsey Standard Triathlon F40-44
0 SHOTTON, Annie Standard Triathlon F40-44
0 SYKES, Charlotte Standard Triathlon F40-44
0 WOLTRING, Beatrijs Standard Triathlon F40-44
0 WRIGHT, Katie None Standard Triathlon F40-44
0 ADDEY, Richard None Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 ARTEMIS , Andrew None Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 BAIRD, James None Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 BRADMAN, Daniel None Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 CHAKRABORTY, Biswajit None Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 COX, Ben Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 DE CASTILHO, Benny Sausage Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 DU PREEZ, Nico Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 ETHERSON, Ross None Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 GAGER, Ross None Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 GEEKIE, james None Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 HODGSON, Timothy None Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 KNIGHT, Jonathan None Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 MACHIN, Mark None Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 MARSHALL, Stuart Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 MARTISON, Colin Double R Club Sussex Stallions Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 MILLS, Andy Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 MILLS, Andy Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 MONGEY, David Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 PEDDER, Sam None Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 RICHARDSON, Paul None Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 SALMAN, Bilal None Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 SEAL, Tom None Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 STRAND, Warwick None Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 WALSH, Michael None Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 WETHERALL, Tim Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 WRIGHT, Ben None Standard Triathlon 45-49
0 HODGSON, Heidi None Standard Triathlon F45-49
0 RICHARDS, EJ None Standard Triathlon F45-49
0 WORTHINGTON , Arabella Standard Triathlon F45-49
0 ARMIGER, Andrew Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 BEVIS, Steve None Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 FORREST, Graeme BTRS Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 FRIETMAN, Juan Carlos None Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 GIBNEY, David None Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 GIBSON, Matthew None Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 GRANGE, Simon Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 GREENOAK, Rob None Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 JARRATT, Richard None Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 JONES, Tegan Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 MALIN, Filip None Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 OUWEHAND, MARTIN Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 PRICE, William None Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 ROSE, Tim Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 SALMON, olivier Berkshire Tri Squad Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 SHARMAN, David None Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 SMITH, Russ None Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 STONEMAN, Neil Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 TAYLOR, Adam Arena 80 Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 WHEELER, Gary None Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 WHYBROW, Ian Team TIZ Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 WOOD, Melinda None Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 WOODHEAD, Oliver None Standard Triathlon 50-54
0 BRACEWELL, Kirsty Standard Triathlon F50-54
0 INIZAN, Veronique None Standard Triathlon F50-54
0 MANSON-SMITH, Zoe Standard Triathlon F50-54
0 CHESTER, Cal None Standard Triathlon 55-59
0 DALY, Matt Tri Tempo Standard Triathlon 55-59
0 DIVE, Philip None Standard Triathlon 55-59
0 FELLOWS, Nick Mid Sussex Triathlon Club Standard Triathlon 55-59
0 GIBSON , Mark None Standard Triathlon 55-59
0 JOOSTE, Bill Standard Triathlon 55-59
0 KINGSTON, Tim Standard Triathlon 55-59
0 QUINNELL, Mat None Standard Triathlon 55-59
0 STANTON, Andy None Standard Triathlon 55-59
0 VENDITTO, Luca Standard Triathlon 55-59
0 BEALE, Sue Standard Triathlon F55-59
0 MYNETT, Leah Please Select Standard Triathlon F55-59
0 WILLIAMS, Tracey Steyning Athletic Club Standard Triathlon F55-59
0 BAILEY, Marc Ful-on Tri Triathlon Club Standard Triathlon 60-64
0 LUDOVICI, Riccardo Standard Triathlon 60-64
0 SCOTT, Robert None Standard Triathlon 60-64
0 DONALD, Gary London Wheelchair Triathlon Club Standard Triathlon 70-74

Sprint Triathlon - Sunday 31st August 2025

Name Club/team Event AG
0 JOO-THOMSON, Noe Sprint Triathlon YOUTH
0 HALL, Joseph Brighton Tri Club Sprint Triathlon U20
0 WALBEOFFE, Grace None Sprint Triathlon FU20
0 BATES, William Sprint Triathlon 20-24
0 BROWN, Samuel Sprint Triathlon 20-24
0 MULVANEY, Nathan Amazon London Sprint Triathlon 20-24
0 LOGAN, Leia Sprint Triathlon F20-24
0 O'ROURKE, Nuala None Sprint Triathlon F20-24
0 CORBETT, David None Sprint Triathlon 25-29
0 DARROCH, George Sprint Triathlon 25-29
0 DENNIS, Chris None Sprint Triathlon 25-29
0 EVANS, Oliver None Sprint Triathlon 25-29
0 GARRETT, Josh London Fields Triathlon Club Sprint Triathlon 25-29
0 LEE, Ernest None Sprint Triathlon 25-29
0 RAYMENT, Trent None Sprint Triathlon 25-29
0 GALT, Jennifer None Sprint Triathlon F25-29
0 PANDIT, Ria Sprint Triathlon F25-29
0 PRIOR , Charlotte None Sprint Triathlon F25-29
0 WILLIAMS, Chloe Sprint Triathlon F25-29
0 BRADBURY, Alex None Sprint Triathlon 30-34
0 BURNETT, Robert Sprint Triathlon 30-34
0 CLARKSON, Nathan None Sprint Triathlon 30-34
0 COAN, Christian None Sprint Triathlon 30-34
0 DYKES, James Sprint Triathlon 30-34
0 HIGGINS, William Sprint Triathlon 30-34
0 OLLIVER, Max Sprint Triathlon 30-34
0 TURNBULL, Stephen None Sprint Triathlon 30-34
0 WHITFORD, Jack None Sprint Triathlon 30-34
0 BHASIN, Jasmine None Sprint Triathlon F30-34
0 COOPER, Verity Sprint Triathlon F30-34
0 CURRIE, Ellie Sprint Triathlon F30-34
0 GRIFFITHS, Hannah None Sprint Triathlon F30-34
0 HARMAN, Tierney None Sprint Triathlon F30-34
0 JONES, Sophie Sprint Triathlon F30-34
0 KITTOW, Sophie None Sprint Triathlon F30-34
0 ROBINSON, Helen Sprint Triathlon F30-34
0 CELIS JONES, James Sprint Triathlon 35-39
0 CHALLIS, Henry None Sprint Triathlon 35-39
0 CLARKE, Michael None Sprint Triathlon 35-39
0 DEMARCHI, Richard Sprint Triathlon 35-39
0 KIRKWOOD, Kimberly Sprint Triathlon 35-39
0 LAGAAY, Beth None Sprint Triathlon 35-39
0 OUF, Mohamed Sprint Triathlon 35-39
0 PANESAR, Liam None Sprint Triathlon 35-39
0 REID, Sophie Sprint Triathlon 35-39
0 RODRIGUES DA COSTA, Theodore Sprint Triathlon 35-39
0 SMETS, Jean None Sprint Triathlon 35-39
0 SMITH, Phil None Sprint Triathlon 35-39
0 VIOLA, Francesco Sprint Triathlon 35-39
0 WHITTALL, Jon None Sprint Triathlon 35-39
0 BOATRIGHT, Holly Sprint Triathlon F35-39
0 CUNNINGHAM, Emer None Sprint Triathlon F35-39
0 DANTANUS , Kirsty Sprint Triathlon F35-39
0 HUSSEIN, Amy Jane None Sprint Triathlon F35-39
0 PANESAR, Claire Sprint Triathlon F35-39
0 PENNEY, Chloe None Sprint Triathlon F35-39
0 TAMKIN, Rebecca Brighton Tri Club Sprint Triathlon F35-39
0 WALTON, Pippa Sprint Triathlon F35-39
0 WILKINSON, Anna Sprint Triathlon F35-39
0 ALSEY, Nick Sprint Triathlon 40-44
0 BALL, Matthew None Sprint Triathlon 40-44
0 BATEMAN, Matt None Sprint Triathlon 40-44
0 GLEW, Simon None Sprint Triathlon 40-44
0 HALES, Tom None Sprint Triathlon 40-44
0 HOOPER, Luke Optimum Triathlon Sprint Triathlon 40-44
0 JEFFERS, Matthew None Sprint Triathlon 40-44
0 MCSHANE, John None Sprint Triathlon 40-44
0 SPRINGFORD, Daniel None Sprint Triathlon 40-44
0 THOROGOOD, William None Sprint Triathlon 40-44
0 VAN DER LINDE, Blake None Sprint Triathlon 40-44
0 WARNER, Tim Sprint Triathlon 40-44
0 WHITT, Ben None Sprint Triathlon 40-44
0 CARESTIA, Jane Sprint Triathlon F40-44
0 DENYER O’LEARY, Cathy Sprint Triathlon F40-44
0 EASTOP, Rachael None Sprint Triathlon F40-44
0 GLEW, Alexandra Sprint Triathlon F40-44
0 GREEN, Megan Swim-1st Triathlon Club Sprint Triathlon F40-44
0 HINDLE, Emily Sprint Triathlon F40-44
0 MALE, Amanda None Sprint Triathlon F40-44
0 OAKSHOTT, Alex None Sprint Triathlon F40-44
0 RICETTI , Michelle Sprint Triathlon F40-44
0 SARIYA, Amra Please Select Sprint Triathlon F40-44
0 STEGGLES, Kim None Sprint Triathlon F40-44
0 STRIPE, Katie Sprint Triathlon F40-44
0 TURNER, holly Sprint Triathlon F40-44
0 BAKER, Alastair Sprint Triathlon 45-49
0 BASSET, Lee Swim-1st Triathlon Club Sprint Triathlon 45-49
0 BROMLEY, Robin Sprint Triathlon 45-49
0 CABOT MESQUIDA, Rafel None Sprint Triathlon 45-49
0 CLEE, Huw None Sprint Triathlon 45-49
0 DAVID, Ben None Sprint Triathlon 45-49
0 LEAVER, James None Sprint Triathlon 45-49
0 MORGAN, ian None Sprint Triathlon 45-49
0 SPASHETT, ben None Sprint Triathlon 45-49
0 STOAKES, Jack None Sprint Triathlon 45-49
0 STOAKES , harry None Sprint Triathlon 45-49
0 STOAKES , christina None Sprint Triathlon 45-49
0 TOMLINSON, Sam Sprint Triathlon 45-49
0 BERRY, Clare Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 BURTON, Sarah Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 CUND, Becky Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 ENDO , Sachiko Mid Sussex Triathlon Club Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 GARCEA, Nicola None Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 HADDAD, Sam None Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 HALL, Tammy Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 HANSON, Sarah Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 HOUBEN, Fiona Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 HOWLEY, Joanna Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 KELLY, Andrina Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 LEE, Cheryl Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 MACDONALD, Doon None Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 MARSHALL-TAYLOR, Mandy None Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 MELLOR, Keren None Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 MORRIS, Alexandra Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 PALMER, Kat None Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 PLUMSTEAD, Louise None Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 RAWCLIFFE, Charlotte None Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 STEVENS, Emily Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 TRAINOR, Kia Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 WARD, Rebecca Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 AHMED, Ishtiaq Brighton Tri Club Sprint Triathlon 50-54
0 ANDREW16180@GMAIL.COM, Andrew None Sprint Triathlon 50-54
0 COLLINS, Matthew Sprint Triathlon 50-54
0 DYRDA, Wojciech Sprint Triathlon 50-54
0 HALL, Kevin Brighton Tri Club Sprint Triathlon 50-54
0 HARRIS, Dan None Sprint Triathlon 50-54
0 JOO-THOMSON, Jonathan Sprint Triathlon 50-54
0 KARKI, Dipak None Sprint Triathlon 50-54
0 MONTES, Enrique 7oaks Triathlon Club Sprint Triathlon 50-54
0 PEARSON, Adam GreenlightPT Sprint Triathlon 50-54
0 SLOWLY, Daniel None Sprint Triathlon 50-54
0 SMITH, Adrian Sprint Triathlon 50-54
0 WALKER, Ian None Sprint Triathlon 50-54
0 BIRKMYRE, Joanne Sprint Triathlon F50-54
0 BOOTH, Leonora Tunbridge Wells Triathlon Club Sprint Triathlon F50-54
0 BRINN, Claire None Sprint Triathlon F50-54
0 DAVIS, Louisa Sprint Triathlon F50-54
0 HUNT, Jacqueline Brighton Tri Club Sprint Triathlon F50-54
0 JOHNSON, Riem Sprint Triathlon F50-54
0 JONES, Penny None Sprint Triathlon F50-54
0 JOYCE , Alice Sprint Triathlon F50-54
0 O'ROURKE, helen Sprint Triathlon F50-54
0 THOMAS, Hope Please Select Sprint Triathlon F50-54
0 WILSON, Nicola Sprint Triathlon F50-54
0 YULE, Susanne None Sprint Triathlon F50-54
0 ALLEN, Ian Team Jameson Sprint Triathlon 55-59
0 ALLEN, Philip None Sprint Triathlon 55-59
0 BATES, Glenn Sprint Triathlon 55-59
0 HARDING, Malcolm None Sprint Triathlon 55-59
0 JONAS, Andy Sprint Triathlon 55-59
0 LANDUCCI, Jeff None Sprint Triathlon 55-59
0 LITTLEWOOD, Luke None Sprint Triathlon 55-59
0 MARFANY, Owen None Sprint Triathlon 55-59
0 MATHIESON, Craig Sprint Triathlon 55-59
0 MCLEISH, Neil None Sprint Triathlon 55-59
0 NORRIS, David Chichester Triathlon Club Sprint Triathlon 55-59
0 NORTON, Graham S Sprint Triathlon 55-59
0 SMITH, Jonathan Sprint Triathlon 55-59
0 WALKER, Mark None Sprint Triathlon 55-59
0 WHITE, Richard None Sprint Triathlon 55-59
0 DENT, Kate Berkshire Tri Squad Sprint Triathlon F55-59
0 DUGGAN, helen Sprint Triathlon F55-59
0 QUIBELL, Thomasin None Sprint Triathlon F55-59
0 SMITH, Mary Sprint Triathlon F55-59
0 STANDING, Tamara Sprint Triathlon F55-59
0 TEIMORY, Sarah Sprint Triathlon F55-59
0 CANT, Judy Sprint Triathlon 60-64
0 CANT, John Sprint Triathlon 60-64
0 COTTINGTON, Peter Sprint Triathlon 60-64
0 COUSINS, Nicholas None Sprint Triathlon 60-64
0 ELLIOTT, Mark Sprint Triathlon 60-64
0 GOODGER, Ben None Sprint Triathlon 60-64
0 GOODGER, Ben None Sprint Triathlon 60-64
0 JONES, Andrew Sprint Triathlon 60-64
0 LEWRY, Andrew Sprint Triathlon 60-64
0 MITTONETTE, Paul Mid Sussex Triathlon Club Sprint Triathlon 60-64
0 MUIR, Scott Brighton Tri Club Sprint Triathlon 60-64
0 PAGE, Rich Sprint Triathlon 60-64
0 SCOTT, Mark Hillingdon Triathletes Sprint Triathlon 60-64
0 BURN, Helen Sprint Triathlon F60-64
0 DANIEL, Elizabeth Sprint Triathlon F60-64
0 PENDRED, Ann None Sprint Triathlon F60-64
0 JORDAN, Mark Mid Sussex Triathlon Club Sprint Triathlon 65-69
0 PENDRED, Graham None Sprint Triathlon 65-69
0 JOHNSON, Hazel Sprint Triathlon F65-69
0 OSLER, Jane Sprint Triathlon F70-74

Super-Sprint Triathlon - Sunday 31st August 2025

Name Club/team Event AG
0 SIMPSON, Rhea None Super-Sprint Triathlon F30-34
0 CLARK, Joanne None Super-Sprint Triathlon F35-39
0 ELLIOTT , Izzy None Super-Sprint Triathlon F35-39
0 HUMPHREYS, Katie Super-Sprint Triathlon F35-39
0 O'LEARY, Niamh Super-Sprint Triathlon F35-39
0 PINDER, Sarah None Super-Sprint Triathlon F35-39
0 RIDGWAY , Lucy None Super-Sprint Triathlon F35-39
0 CANDELA, River None Super-Sprint Triathlon 40-44
0 COLLINS, Dan None Super-Sprint Triathlon 40-44
0 VAN ROMUNDE, Lance Super-Sprint Triathlon 40-44
0 WOODS, Matthew Brighton Tri Club Super-Sprint Triathlon 40-44
0 CELIS, Karina Super-Sprint Triathlon F40-44
0 MORRIS, Holly Super-Sprint Triathlon F40-44
0 O’SHEA, Ruth None Super-Sprint Triathlon F40-44
0 PARMAR, Panna None Super-Sprint Triathlon F40-44
0 SHARP, gemma None Super-Sprint Triathlon F40-44
0 VAN ROSS, Tracy None Super-Sprint Triathlon F40-44
0 IRWIN, Simon None Super-Sprint Triathlon 45-49
0 STEARN, Ben Evolution Tri (EVO TRI) Windsor, Marlow & Wycombe Super-Sprint Triathlon 45-49
0 VON BERGEN, George None Super-Sprint Triathlon 45-49
0 CANDELA, Emma Super-Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 CARTER, Rowan Super-Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 COBURN, Josie Brighton Tri Club Super-Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 DU PREEZ, Valerie Super-Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 RICH, Joe None Super-Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 TIGHE, Reiltin Super-Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 TUDOR, Caroline None Super-Sprint Triathlon F45-49
0 HOSEA, Mark None Super-Sprint Triathlon 50-54
0 STAITE, Peter Super-Sprint Triathlon 50-54
0 BOWMAN, Nikki None Super-Sprint Triathlon F50-54
0 HASTINGS, Samantha None Super-Sprint Triathlon F50-54
0 LOCKHART, Christina Elizabeth Super-Sprint Triathlon F50-54
0 OATES, Lesley Super-Sprint Triathlon F50-54
0 SUMMERS-ROBINSON, Nicky Super-Sprint Triathlon F50-54
0 TOMLINSON, Laurie Super-Sprint Triathlon F50-54
0 WATKIN, Sarah None Super-Sprint Triathlon F50-54
0 LAW, Steven None Super-Sprint Triathlon 55-59
0 LAW, Susan None Super-Sprint Triathlon 55-59
0 NUNN, Yvonne None Super-Sprint Triathlon 55-59
0 POLAND, Neil Super-Sprint Triathlon 55-59
0 JACKSON, Cath Super-Sprint Triathlon F55-59
0 MACKINNON, Jo Super-Sprint Triathlon F55-59
0 QUINLAN, Susannah Super-Sprint Triathlon F55-59
0 TROTT, Jacquie Please Select Super-Sprint Triathlon F55-59
0 WOLFF , Kate None Super-Sprint Triathlon F55-59
0 LYNCH, Tom Orion Harriers Super-Sprint Triathlon 60-64
0 SURIE, John None Super-Sprint Triathlon 60-64
0 ALRED, Debbie None Super-Sprint Triathlon F60-64
0 COURT, Cathy None Super-Sprint Triathlon F60-64
0 NIELSEN, anita None Super-Sprint Triathlon F60-64
0 REEVE, Janet None Super-Sprint Triathlon F60-64
0 KINGSNORTH, Teresa Super-Sprint Triathlon F65-69
0 ALLEN, martin None Super-Sprint Triathlon 70-74
0 TOWN , Lee None Super-Sprint Triathlon 70-74
0 WILLIAMSON, Tim Super-Sprint Triathlon 70-74

Scootathlon (age 3-7) - Saturday 30th August 2025

Name Club/team Event AG
0 ARAUJO GORDON, Isabel None Scootathlon (age 3-7) FSCOOT
0 BRADMAN, Eleanor Scootathlon (age 3-7) FSCOOT
0 CELIS JONES, Isabela Scootathlon (age 3-7) FSCOOT
0 COLE, Theodore Scootathlon (age 3-7) SCOOT
0 COLE, Leonard Scootathlon (age 3-7) SCOOT
0 D’SA, Lowri None Scootathlon (age 3-7) SCOOT
0 EVANS, Niamh Scootathlon (age 3-7) FSCOOT
0 GLEW, Sylvie Scootathlon (age 3-7) FSCOOT
0 HAUGHTON, Sophie Scootathlon (age 3-7) FSCOOT
0 HAUGHTON, Lucas Scootathlon (age 3-7) SCOOT
0 HOLMES, Rudi Scootathlon (age 3-7) SCOOT
0 HORVATH, Oscar None Scootathlon (age 3-7) SCOOT
0 LAMBERT, Ruby None Scootathlon (age 3-7) FSCOOT
0 MONGEY, Arabella Scootathlon (age 3-7) FSCOOT
0 O’SHEA, Bessie None Scootathlon (age 3-7) FSCOOT
0 POWNCEBY, Jude None Scootathlon (age 3-7) SCOOT
0 ROBARDS, Orson Brighton Tri Club Scootathlon (age 3-7) SCOOT
0 ROBINSON, Harriet Scootathlon (age 3-7) FSCOOT
0 STANDING, Florence None Scootathlon (age 3-7) FSCOOT
0 WALLINGTON, Olivia None Scootathlon (age 3-7) FSCOOT
0 WOJCIECHOWSKI, Edie None Scootathlon (age 3-7) FSCOOT
0 WOJCIECHOWSKI, Betty None Scootathlon (age 3-7) FSCOOT
0 LEESER, Annie None Scootathlon (age 3-7) TS
0 PALMER-NOLAN, Sebastian None Scootathlon (age 3-7) TS

Sprint Duathlon - Sunday 31st August 2025

Name Club/team Event AG
0 ROWLEY, Callum Sprint Duathlon 25-29
0 HEALY, Hannah Sprint Duathlon 30-34
0 BUTLER, Nicholas Sprint Duathlon 45-49
0 VON BERGEN, Jannine None Sprint Duathlon F50-54
0 BURNETT, Richard None Sprint Duathlon 60-64
0 BURNETT, Nicola Tri Surrey Sprint Duathlon F60-64

Standard Distance Duathlon - Sunday 31st August 2025

Name Club/team Event AG
0 BARTON, Sarah None Standard Distance Duathlon F30-34
0 BOSE, Pronoy Standard Distance Duathlon 45-49
0 BRYON, Mike Steyning Athletic Club Standard Distance Duathlon 45-49
0 CRISP, Sam Standard Distance Duathlon F55-59